Novel Translation

The Greatest Showman – Chapter 112

Chapter 112 – Picking up a stranger at the airport As his feet once again touched down on the tarmac of New York’s JFK International Airport, breathing in the air filled with floating particles of debris and feeling the weak sunlight, Renly had to admit that the familiarity always brought a sense of coming home. Truth be told, Renly didn’t like New York. It is too rainy, too snowy, and too windy. One hurricane could…

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Novel Translation

The Greatest Showman – Chapter 111

Chapter 111 – Gorge Encounter The man not far away was burly, with a sturdy and robust build exuding the wild and rough nature of a Viking. His light brown curls appeared unruly, and his deep-set features carried a sense of ruggedness and wear. A scruffy beard covered most of his cheeks, yet it couldn’t hide the straightforwardness between his brows. At this moment, like Renly, he had a chalk bag hanging from his waist…

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Novel Translation

The Greatest Showman – Chapter 110

Chapter 110 – Moment of losing oneself The fingertips of his left hand touched the rough and coarse rock particles. Through the thin layer of anti-slip powder, the moisture seeping from the rock’s surface could faintly be felt. The right hand was carefully inserted into a crevice in the rock. The narrow gap only allowed part of the finger to enter. After slightly adjusting the angle to find the best position and probing a few…

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Novel Translation

Perfect Superstar – Chapter 251

Chapter 251 – Looking into your eyes This welcoming banquet didn’t end until 9 o’clock at night. Director Zhong Yue has an extraordinary capacity for alcohol. He and his assistant teamed up to resist the successive attacks from Zhang De, Lu Chen, and others. He drank four or five bottles of red wine and, in the end, only had a slight hint of intoxication, about seven or eight points. Zhang De had already booked rooms…

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Novel Translation

The Greatest Showman – Chapter 109

Chapter 109 – Free solo climbing The scorching August sun enveloped Europe, and even the air was filled with a hazy heat as if just a moment under the scorching sun would melt everything away. But even so, it could not stop people’s enthusiasm for vacation. As the most lively vacation season of the year, people from all over Europe began to flock to popular tourist destinations to enjoy this rare holiday. Ibiza, Corsica, Santorini,…

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Novel Translation

The Greatest Showman – Chapter 108

Chapter 108 – Surviving through madness Even as the director, Rodrigo was left speechless by that scene. In fact, Renly changed the lines during the performance, and many parts were improvised. The most obvious example of that was in the final stage of the performance, the script actually had Paul speak after being shocked, and he couldn’t help but swear; and after despair, he also said, “You brought me here,” which triggered the “I’m sorry”…

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Novel Translation

Perfect Superstar – Chapter 250

Chapter 250 – Full of sincerity Someone once said that taking a makeup photo is just like taking a wedding photo, it looks beautiful but is actually a painful thing. It took Lu Chen and Chen Feier a full two days to finish taking their makeup photos. However, neither of them thought it was painful, and Chen Feier was even enjoying it. In the end, she selected a batch of unretouched original photos and said she…

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Novel Translation

The Greatest Showman – Chapter 107

Chapter 107 – Die once more “Do you understand everything I said, Mr. Conroy?” Silence, oppressive silence; a cold, bone-chilling cold. He was staring with wide eyes, saying nothing, the light in his eyes gradually dimming as if all life had been drained from him. This is not a dream. It’s over, everything is over, his dream is over, even his life is over. With no insurance money, Linda has nothing to fall back on,…

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Novel Translation

The Greatest Showman – Chapter 106

Chapter 106 – Full of resentment “Help me! Help me!” His voice was increasingly desperate, with a hint of anger mixed with a plea. This was his last straw, regardless of who was on the other end of the line or whether they could help. It was his only choice. He called for help, he begged, he shouted. In his final hoarse cry, there was a painful sense of falling apart, engulfing him. Thin mist…

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Novel Translation

The Greatest Showman – Chapter 105

Chapter 105 – Difficult to distinguish between true and false The shooting of ‘Buried’ went extremely smoothly, to the point where one might say it exceeded expectations. The entire burden of the production rested on Renly’s shoulders. All other tasks were minimized to the extreme, and the progress of the production depended entirely on the quality of Renly’s acting. If he was in a bad state, continuously making mistakes in a scene, a single shot…

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